Paramedics – Worth Their Weight In Gold


Early this morning I was rattled out of my bed by someone pounding at my door. The first knock I ignored not knowing there was an emergency, and blaming the commotion on an overly exuberant Fed Ex guy delivering my dog’s meds. When the second round of knocking came I jumped out of bed and headed for the door. “My daughter, Kerry needs help, can you come help?” I bolted across the shared terrace and found my new neighbor in distress. I called 911.

Within a few minutes it was like several stretch limousines full of paramedics arrived. I counted six coming up the stairs and filing into the apartment. As I showed them to the bedroom they split off to do different jobs. One came with me and Kerry’s Mom to ask medical questions that their patient couldn’t answer for herself, and the others checked vitals and summarized the situation.

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So You Want to Be a Paramedic?

498898732_6f73f14b81_zParamedics are highly trained professionals who work in hospitals clinics medical facilities government response teams please ambulance services fire departments etc. Many start out as volunteer firefighters at a local fire station with the title of PCF.

A PCF helps with everything from cleaning the equipment to helping with fundraisers to raise money for the station. A business fundraiser can attract many local companies. And it doesn’t take too much effort to rent a dumpster niagara on the lake to clean everything up when its over. This is especially useful in helping them get together and profit per plate, along with making donations to help fund new equipment and gear for everyone.

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